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What is Domestic Abuse?
Anyone can experience domestic abuse. In the majority of cases the abuse comes from a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member or carer. Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following:
Who to contact
You can find help and support from the National Domestic Violence Helpline, Women’s Aid and Refuge on this helpline number 0808 2000 247.
You can also download the Bright Sky app onto your mobile device. Bright Sky allows you to record incidents of domestic abuse and has details of support agencies that can help you.
You can find more useful information by following the links below:
Safe spaces
If you need a safe space to escape to or to access help and support, pharmacies including Boots, Superdrug, Morrisons and independent pharmacies across the UK provide ‘Safe Spaces’ in their consultation rooms for people experiencing domestic abuse. Find your nearest Safe Space.
Specialist help for male victims
Specialist help for black and minority ethnic women
Specialist help available for LGBTQ+ victims
Specialist help for victims for whom English is a second language
Specialist help available for older victims
Specialist help if you are being stalked
Specialist help for perpetrators
To show our ongoing commitment to supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, we signed the ‘Make a Stand’ pledge that was launched in June 2018 by the Chartered Institute of Housing, in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA).
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