Residents and relatives feedback

Resident with daughter looking at a tablet and smilingOur core value is to put residents at the heart of everything we do. Listening to your opinions and feedback is important to us so we can continuously improve our service.

Every year we share a survey with our residents and relatives. We ask residents about their wellbeing, our staff, the home, their care and support and our leadership.

We ask relatives three key questions which allows relatives to express their true ideas and opinions in their own words:

• What should we keep doing?
• What should we start doing?
• What should we stop doing?

Here are the results from across our care homes from our last survey in spring 2024. 61% of residents responded and 62 relatives took part. Below you will find full survey results from each of our care homes; Saxonwood in Battle, Woodlands in Crowborough and Oakwood Court in Haywards Heath. These reports include the full results and our action plan. 

100% of residents feel safe

100% of residents feel safe

100% of residents said they were treated with dignity and respect

100% of residents said they were treated with dignity and respect

100% of residents said they got on well with staff and staff treat them well

100% of residents said they got on well with staff and staff treat them well

98% of residents said they are treated kindly

98% of residents said they are treated kindly

95% of residents said they are encouraged to keep active

95% of residents said they are encouraged to keep active

93% of residents said they like the food

93% of residents said they like the food

A summary of relatives feeback

What should we keep doing?
  • Simply keep doing the amazing job you're all doing!
  • The staff are very friendly and caring. Looking after mum and dad and checking them, providing care and getting toilet access quickly. Providing jugs of water and other drinks.
  • Caring for the residents in a kind and respectful manner. Always being on hand to answer questions
What should we start doing?
  • Some more one to one sensory opportunities targeted at dementia residents who are quieter and more closed off than others.
  • As better weather approaches, stimulating clients to feel comfortable leaving their 'safe space' e.g. to sit or do an activity outside. 
  • More activities for the men, such as gardening. 
What should we stop doing?
  • Stop putting too much salt and pepper in the soup.
  • I think the care my mother is receiving is better than I ever imagined. The staff on every level do a careful and thoughtful job. I can not think that you should stop doing anything.
  • Speaking loudly to residents with good hearing. 

Oakwood Court, Haywards Heath

Oakwood Court, Haywards Heath

RH16 4BG
01444 458872

Saxonwood, Battle

Saxonwood, Battle

TN33 0EY
01424 774336


Woodlands, Crowborough

Woodlands, Crowborough

01892 653178