We have a handbook for Leaseholders who own, or are thinking of buying, a property with Sussex Housing & Care. It gives you information about your home, the services we provide and some important contact information.
Leasehold handbook 2023 FINAL.pdf[pdf] 3MB
In addition, we have service standards for leaseholders, to share what you can expect from us, and what we can expect from you:
Leasehold service standard October 2022.pdf[pdf] 115KB
You can find any policies mentioned in the handbook here on our policies page.
If you’re a leaseholder and live in Church Bailey, Bourne Court or Cheneys Lodge, you have the right to extend the lease of a property which involves buying more years.
For more information about extending your lease please visit these websites:
More information is available in our Lease Extension Policy: Leasehold extension Policy v3 2021 [pdf] 129KB
We also have a guide to extending your lease: Guide to extending your lease [pdf] 199KB
If you live in our Leasehold for the Elderly Schemes (LSE) at Downash Court, Nevill Court, Sackville Court or Waldron Court, then if you sell your home, a new lease will be issued to your buyer so you do not need to extend your lease.
If you wish to find out more about extending your lease please speak to your scheme manager or complete the online form on our contact us page.
Right to manage gives qualifying leaseholders the right to take over management of their homes, without the need to prove any fault on the part of the landlord.
Please refer to our Leaseholder Handbook for further details: Leasehold handbook 2023 FINAL.pdf [pdf] 3MB
It refers to Section 20 (S20) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (amended by section 151 of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002).
It is a piece of law which requires us to consult with you about major works (exceeds £250 per property) and any long term agreement for work or services (more than £100 per flat in a year) that you pay for as leaseholders.
Generally, you will get three separate notices under the Section 20 process, one at each of the following three stages:
Please see more detail about selling your property in the Leaseholders Handbook: Leasehold handbook 2023 FINAL.pdf [pdf] 3MB
A potential buyer will be required to complete an assessment to make sure they are eligible for sheltered housing. The eligibility criteria includes but is not limited to; age, the ability to live independently and the ability to be able to pay service charges now and in the future.
Our approval is required before the sale can progress.
We advise you to inform family members, next of kin and executors to the will of the sales process and make a copy of the lease available. This ensures that, in cases where it is necessary for someone else to facilitate the sale of the property, they are clear from the outset as to the process, which should avoid unnecessary delays and costs being incurred.
We are able to support residents who may be experiencing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). We believe every resident has the right to live without the fear of ASB, nuisance and harassment and take reports of these very seriously.
What is ASB?
"Conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person, conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises, or conduct capable of causing housing related nuisance or annoyance to any person."
Examples of ASB may include, but are not limited to:
Some examples of what is not ASB may include, but is not limited to:
This does not necessarily mean we are not able to help, but it may not be classified as ASB.
How do I report ASB?
Anyone can report ASB to us. Before doing so if the ASB relates to noise nuisance, try talking to the person concerned. In many cases, they may not be aware that their behaviour is causing a nuisance and a polite discussion can often resolve the matter.
If you do not feel comfortable approaching the person(s) in this way then please contact us - there are a number of ways you can do this:
When you make a report you will be asked to provide certain information about the ASB so we can find out more about it and agree if and how we plan to deal with the issue.
What to do in an emergency?
If an incident is serious or life threatening you must call 999 immediately and speak to the emergency services. If you have reported a matter to the police, either via 999 or the non-emergency 101 number it is important that you let us know and provide us with the reference number and the names of any police officers you have spoken to.
In many cases we will need to work in partnership with others to tackle the ASB as they may have the expertise and powers to help resolve the matter. We work with the police, local authorities (such as the environmental health department), mediation services, social services and voluntary organisations.
Anti-Social Behaviour resident guide
A resident help guide to Anti-Social Behaviour can be downloaded here - Anti-Social Behaviour Resident Guide v1 2022 [pdf] 203KB
Hearing your feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our service. Here is a guide to making a complaint, compliment or comment.
Your guide to making a complaint, compliment or comment.pdf [pdf] 221KB
For more detailed information please see our Complaints and comments policy: Handling complaints, compliments and comments in sheltered, ILA and leasehold Policy v4 2022 [pdf] 302KB
Association of Retirement Housing Managers (ARHM)
We are members of the ARHM and they have a wealth of information and publications for leaseholders which is free for you to access. Visit the ARHM website.
Lease extension
For more information about extending your lease please visit these websites:
In addition, our Leasehold Handbook has a list of useful websites: Leasehold handbook 2023 FINAL.pdf [pdf] 3MB