We recently consulted with residents about livening up the dark, long corridor at Saxonwood, and a midnight promenade theme was suggested. Residents were involved in this project from the beginning by choosing colours for the walls, their bedroom doors and pictures for the corridor. They wanted to go further than this and we agreed to involve Creative Minds to support our residents to paint a mural on the longest wall.
The preparation of our midnight promenade corridor started with brainstorming activity. Sara, Marisa, Sigita, Rosemary, Mary, Sheila and Jade were inspired by an art piece made by Leonid Afremov called ‘City Of Moon Light’. The colours of the art work really bring the wall to life and gives space for imagination, the projection on the pathway gives a sense of belonging and can bring positive emotions and memories of loved ones.
The next step was making sketches on the wall for our big piece of art. There were lots of thoughts and measuring. When we had a draft in place our talented residents and staff came together supported by Sara and Marisa from Creative minds to get the painting done. It was a hard work but we had a great fun and lot of positive emotions from working as a team and making something special for all of us.
Our resident, Gale who took active part in this project said, “Looking at this impressive wall painting I can find myself on some street in some romantic place like Rome. I think it could be an autumn night that has covered the city in the mysterious darkness. I am happy that I have such a beautiful painting opposite my room that lifts my mood up every morning.
I like my red door as well, I know where my room is, sometimes I get lost and then I am looking for the red door.”
Betty who also took part in this project from beginning by choosing the paint for the corridor, her bedroom door and decors said, “I enjoyed being a part of this project working together with other people. It is great to have a choice and be in charge of what’s happening in the home. The corridor looks great, much brighter and very enjoyable.”
Rosemary, who was actively involved in the brainstorming phase of our project said, “It’s so good to involve residents with their environment. This stimulates conversation and opinions. Carers now can escort residents from other corridors to see and admire the Midnight promenade.”
Thank you to our residents, staff and who thought of these wonderful ideas and helped to create such a wonderful space in our home. Thank you also to Sara and Marisa from Creative Minds for helping to make it happen.