Enjoy refreshments, stalls and a raffle in the beautiful gardens at Clevedown in Lewes.
Join residents and visitors for a charity garden fete on Friday 16 August from 2pm - 5pm.
Polly, a resident at Clevedown, who is helping to organise the event, said, "This is a free event and everyone is welcome to join us. It will be a great chance to meet our friends and neighbours, and enjoy our wonderful grounds together. We are raising funds for Alzheimer's Society and our residents' amenity fund - money raised will be split equally between the two."
Please use parking on Barons Down Road, you are welcome to drop off and pick up at the top of the site.
For further information please contact Scheme Manager, Leica Ward, on 01273 488884 or email leica.ward@sussexhousing.org.uk.