Are there any restrictions in place around friends and relatives visiting my sheltered housing scheme?
We are advising friends and relatives not to visit in accordance with government advice.
Will my carer still be able to come to my property?
Yes. If you have a carer they need to continue to visit and provide you with care and support. Please ensure you check that the carer is not experiencing any of the symptoms of the Coronavirus such as a cough or high fever. If they are, then please do not let them into your home. Once they enter your home, ensure they wash their hands before they touch anything. If for some reason your carer doesn’t arrive please contact your Scheme Manager who will assist you with ensuring you have a carer going forward.
Can I use the communal lounge?
We would encourage you not to use the communal lounge. It is important that we all follow the social distancing advice and not gather with other people.
Can I book the guest room?
To minimise the spread of the virus, we are closing the guest rooms with immediate effect. We will notify you when they are able to be booked again when the pandemic has finished.
Can I use the café at Cheneys Lodge?
The Café at Cheneys Lodge is closed. We are currently discussing with the owner whether there is a possibility of running a take away/delivery service for the residents at Cheneys and Falfield and we will update you once we have any news.
Can I use the communal laundry?
Yes, but we would encourage you to keep your distance from people as per the government advice (2 metres). We would suggest that only one person at a time be in the laundry.
We would also suggest washing your hands before and after using the communal equipment.
If other residents at my scheme are self-isolating, can I still come and go as I please?
Our priority is to keep residents safe and well. Please listen to and abide by the government advice to self-isolate which is now for everyone for the next 12 weeks. By doing so this will help us beat the virus, protect you and the NHS.
If there is a confirmed case of Coronavirus at my scheme what will happen?
We will advise the resident to self-isolate and remain in their property until they meet the 7 or 14 day isolation period (depending on the severity of their illness).
How am I going to be supported if the Scheme Manager is not on site?
Your Scheme Manager will be in contact with you to complete a ‘mini’ support plan. This is for them to obtain information regarding your immediate support needs during the Coronavirus pandemic. The Scheme Manager will still be supporting you throughout this period but maybe in a different way such as by telephone.
If I can’t get medicine or shopping because I am ill what should I do especially if I have no nearby relatives?
The Scheme Manager will cover this in the ‘light touch’ support plan. This will cover each residents immediate support needs.
How can I keep in contact with residents to prevent me becoming socially isolated and lonely?
We will cover this with you in the ‘light touch’ support plan. If you are connected to the internet we have a dedicated Facebook group you can access as a Sussex Housing and Care resident: www.facebook.com/groups/SussexHousingandCareResidentsChat/
How are the meals on wheels going to work if they can’t to come to the door with the meals?
Many providers are making deliveries with ‘no contact’ so they will knock and leave it on your doorstep if you are currently suffering from the coronavirus. We will talk to you about meals provision as part of your ‘light touch’ support plan.
What if I feel unwell and need advice?
Your Scheme Manager will be contactable by telephone All scheme managers are now working from home. You will be able to speak to your Scheme Manager as normal albeit by telephone rather than in person. If you are connected to the internet, you can also email him/her.
Can I ring to speak to my Scheme Manager?
Yes – you can call your Scheme Manager as normal in working hours. You will continue to be able to use Lifeline in an emergency outside of the Scheme manager’s normal working hours.
How long are we going to be without the Scheme Manager, when will a Scheme Manager be back on site?
Your Scheme Manager will still be providing you with a service and our stance is business as usual. At present we cannot anticipate how long the Scheme Manager will be home working, this will be for this will be based upon government advice.
How do I complete an end of tenancy notice if necessary?
Speak to your Scheme Manager about how some of this can be done remotely or when the Scheme Manager visits the site (which will be for some time on one day per week). He/she will be able to process the end of tenancy notice. You will be advised which day this will be.
What if I need some advice other than on health issues?
You can call your Scheme Manager (as normal) in working hours. They will advise you on this or if you have internet access please follow the guidance at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england
Or you can email: office@sussexhousing.org.uk
There is also lots of information available in the 'living with us' area of this website.
How will I report repairs?
Please still report repairs by telephone or email to the Scheme Manager as per normal.
Are contractors allowed to come to the scheme to fix any repairs?
Each contractor has a business continuity plan in place to ensure that repairs are completed where necessary. The entry to individual flats will be based upon if a resident is isolated and the need for the repair. Only emergency or urgent repairs will be completed during the pandemic based upon the current government guidance. It is important to confirm to the contractor before they enter your property if you are experiencing any symptoms of the coronavirus or if you are experiencing it.
How will the Scheme Manager manage compliance checks like weekly routine test fire alarms and water flush etc.?
The Scheme Manager will be visiting your scheme for part of the day one day a week and this will be one of the tasks they will complete during their on- site day.
Will contractors be allowed on site if not emergency?
We are suspending all internal non – urgent works with immediate effect.
Are the cleaners and gardeners going to come on site?
Cleaners: We would expect this service to continue given the need to ensure that all areas are cleaned for infection control purposes. We are in contact with the contractor currently to determine if they will be able to offer a more enhanced cleaning service.
Gardeners: All contractors have been contacted to ensure that they have a ‘business continuity plan’ in place so that they can continue to provide the service if any of their staff are affected.
Will all on site activities be cancelled?
We are also requesting that all coffee mornings and social activities are suspended for the meantime to as per government guidance and to reduce the risks for residents.
Will our service charges be affected?
We are hoping to continue to provide as many services to you as possible during this difficult period. It is too early to speculate if there will be any effect on the service charge. We are mindful of continuing to provide value for money for residents and keeping service charges affordable.
How do I pay my rent is if I pay by Worldpay in my scheme managers office?
We are asking all residents to pay by Worldpay, direct debit or standing order to minimise contact with staff. Your scheme manager or the Finance Department can take a Worldpay payment over the telephone.
Can I go out?
The current recommendation from the government is to stay at home, which by doing so will minimise the spread and protect everyone including the NHS. The advice is each time you are at your front door, think; do you really need to go out. If you don’t then you should stay in. This is to protect you, others and the NHS. Please talk to your scheme manager if you need support to access food or medicines.
Will the contract cleaners still attend and if so will they wear protective masks and gloves?
The cleaners will still be providing a service on site. At this stage it is not government advice to wear protective masks and gloves.