We are continuously monitoring the advice from Government and our regulators to keep our residents and staff safe.
Our pandemic planning group continues to meet throughout these challenging times to ensure we are doing all that we can to keep our residents, staff and visitors safe. We are ensuring we have a good and ongoing supply of PPE, have implemented extra cleaning regimes and have good infection control practices in place throughout our care homes. We are continuing to carry out internal audits and monitor our practices to ensure quality care and support is being delivered.
In line with the government guidance, where they can, members of staff are working from home, and any working from our offices is being strictly limited and controlled.
Scheme managers are continuing to provide their service but much of our contact with residents has switched to telephone contact. They are in regular contact with residents and update them about any changes that may affect their scheme. They are also on site each week, available to speak to residents and to carry out essential health and safety checks.
Face to face meetings can be arranged where queries can’t be dealt with by phone, but social distancing must be maintained.
We are now accepting new housing applications and residents for our sheltered housing. Procedures are in place to ensure that this can happen safely. Regular newsletters are sent updating residents on what is happening at Sussex Housing & Care and the latest position as advised by the government.
Contractors are carrying out repairs and some improvement works on site, ensuring they are following Covid-safe measures.
Our scheme lounges continue to be closed and this is reviewed on a regular basis. We are not alone in this position; other housing associations and local authorities in Sussex also have closed their lounges. We know that this limits the opportunities for our residents to meet socially and we are reviewing how we can open the lounges when it is safe to do so with risk assessments in place. Resident feedback through the housing survey will help us review this.
All our schemes and homes are in the Medium Tier at present. It is important that we all follow the government advice to limit social interaction with others outside our household which will help reduce the rate of infection, and reduce the impact on the NHS.
Click here for the government advice on what you can and can’t do in a Medium Tier area: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/local-covid-alert-level-medium
Care Homes
We have skilled care teams trained in infection control. We have substantial quantities of PPE and a lead officer who ensures we have sufficient ongoing supplies.
Our staff are tested on a weekly basis and our residents monthly. This is helping us to keep everyone safe.
We know how important visits are to our residents and relatives and we’re doing all that we can in a risk based way to ensure they take place. Our care homes are currently closed to all non-essential visitors until further notice but we have been enabling visits to take place on patios or in the garden. As the winter months approach we are making preparations to improve the meeting arrangements.
We are currently installing visitor pods in our care home gardens. The pods will be fully insulated, heated and installed with an internal screen to ensure residents can meet with their loved ones in a safe environment.
Two of our homes are also in the process of creating ‘internal’ visitor spaces in addition to the visitor pods which will expand the ability for meeting.
We have recently opened our doors again to accepting new residents. We consulted with our existing residents and families to ensure they supported our decision. We’re really keen to welcome new residents to join our existing homes and enjoy the experiences that we have to offer. New residents will be asked to take a Covid test and will have a two week settling in period before they can join other residents. We will ensure they do not feel isolated and have support on hand through daily video/phone calls with family and loved ones, personalised activities and an in-room dining service to get them settled in.
Please click here for the latest advice and information from the Government.