Hydration is a very important issue, particularly for older people. That’s why in our care homes, we are designating June as Hydration Month. Across the four weeks every care home will be picking a week and running activities to raise awareness of the importance of hydration and increasing residents’ fluid intake.
Poor hydration can contribute to obesity, depression, inactivity, fatigue, falls, constipation, blood pressure problems and headaches.
As a general rule we need two litres a day. In reality this is challenging, so aim for 6-8 glasses of fluid per day. All fluid counts (except alcohol), although drinking water is the best.
Don’t forget food can also contribute valuable fluids:
Fruit: melon, pears, apples, blueberries, grapefruit, pineapple, plums, oranges, cranberries and watermelon.
Vegetables: cucumber, carrots, celery, tomatoes, lettuce and squash.
Don’t forget if you’re bored of drinking water, mix it up…..make a mocktail with some fruit juice or a smoothie with milk. Happy Drinking!