Sussex Housing & Care is supporting the East Sussex Ageing Well Fesitval this September and October with three engaging online events for people over 50.
The Ageing Well Festival is here to celebrate all the wonderful things people over the age of 50 contribute to our communities. To inspire generations to live long and full lives, and to show you’re never too old to work on your health and wellbeing, and above all have fun.
Come and join in the fun and take part in these free sessions using zoom video calls. To access them click on the links below on the scheduled day and time.
Monday 21 September, 10.30am to 11.30am.
This is a light hearted event to connect people online and take part in a general knowledge quiz. Meet new people, have a chat and enjoy answering the questions.
Monday 28 September, 10.30am to 11.30am.
Would you like to know more about social media? Ever wondered what a hashtag is and why people use it? Would you like to know about privacy settings on Facebook? This tutorial is a one-stop shop for exploring Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We’ll give you a demonstration and answer your questions.
Monday 12 October, 10.30am to 11.30am.
Enjoy using zoom and see other people on your screen. Have a chat and a coffee and learn about using video calls to keep in touch with friends and family.
If you would like to learn more about any of these events please contact Lizzie Gurr, Communications and Engagement Officer by email: lizzie.gurr@sussexhousing.org.uk
To learn more about the festival celebrations happening around the county visit the Aging Well website.