We love talking about food! Hannah, our Chef Manager at Woodlands had a chat with residents on Tuesday 4 February to get their feedback at our regular catering meeting and was pleased with the positive comments residents shared with her.
"Full marks to the kitchen for getting to know people’s likes and dislikes!" (Paddy).
"My breakfast here is perfect, it’s exactly what I like." (June).
"I have a banana drink every morning and it’s beautiful." (Geoff).
Listening to residents and getting their feedback is important to us. They help us to design our menus and we enjoy adding their favourite dishes to create variety for everyone to enjoy. In addition, our catering meetings give residents the chance to suggest improvements. Here's what we heard today:
"I have a small appetite and have a small plate, but sometimes there’s not enough space so I’d like a small portion on a bigger plate please." (Beryl).
"My husband is blind and he finds it very useful when his food is cut up." (June).
We also talked about having a themed day every month, so we can enjoy food from around the world. June loved the idea of a stack of American pancakes for breakfast!