Thank you, volunteers | News

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Thank you, volunteers

It's volunteers’ week and we’d like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who volunteers their time to support residents in our care homes and housing schemes.

Volunteers make a huge difference to residents and we are grateful for everything they do – from reading the paper or having a chat, to gardening, library visits or even organising our activities cupboard! Volunteers enrich our residents’ lives and brighten their day.

Did you know we have a variety of volunteering opportunities?

If you have any spare time and fancy helping out there are a number of ways to get involved. Here’s a starter for 10….

  • Quiz
  • Chatting with residents
  • Reading newspapers, books, poetry
  • Supporting residents to use technology
  • Singing
  • Arts and crafts
  • Gardening
  • Games
  • Exercise
  • Visting the library
  • Helping at events
  • Organising 

What’s most important is that volunteers do something they enjoy. Perhaps you have a hobby or interest, or time to chat and share your company. We welcome your ideas!

Volunteering can be hugely rewarding as Laura told us last year when she helped organise the activity cupboard at each care home:

“By volunteering to organise the storage areas, I’ve helped residents to easily access games, craft materials and things they enjoy doing. I’ve saved staff time to find activities, which means they can spend more time with residents and have also helped the not-for-profit care homes to save money by making better use of what they have. I feel like I’ve made a difference and it’s a really rewarding feeling!”  


Laura standing in front of a tidy cupboard

Laura with a tidy activity cupboard at Oakwood Court!

The Big Help Out
This year the Big Help Out takes place from 7-9 June and everyone can get involved! It's part of #VolunteersWeek and you can download the Big Help Out App which is a platform which offers many opportunities to lend a hand - there are many ways for organisations, businesses and individuals to join in.

You can download the app here:


There’s never been a better time to join in, lend a hand, and make a change. If you'd like to find out more please contact us on 01323 875240 or email

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