If you have a routine repair, this should be reported to the scheme manager or care home manager at the earliest opportunity when they are on duty.
Emergency repairs during office hours should be reported to the scheme manager/care home manager, including the manager who may be covering your scheme if the usual manager is away.
If you can't contact the scheme manager please call the property team on 01323 875250 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or contact the emergency call centre at other times. Please report only genuine emergency repairs through the emergency call centre as the cost of works treated as an emergency is generally higher than non-emergency works and these costs are passed onto residents through the service charge.
Your scheme or care home manager will then pass the repairs request to the property team. This team then assess the priority for the repair and allocate the job to the right contractor. The contractor will then liaise direct with the Scheme Manager, care home adminstration team, or the resident to carry out the repair at a convenient time, within the timescales that have been set.
Generally we are responsible for maintaining the structure and exterior of your home, together with all communal areas.
Our responsibilities – as your landlord you can expect us to maintain the following, keeping them in good repair and proper working order:
Your repair responsibilities - looking after your home takes two. We'll do our bit and we need you to take care of your home too. There are also things that are your responsibility to repair and these include:
Sheltered housing for rent and Independent Living properties
We are generally responsbile for any fixtures and fittings that we have provided, including plumbing and heating. We are not responsible for repairing and maintaining your white goods and ovens.
Leasehold properties
Your lease sets out the exact responsibilities for repairs and maintenance. Whilst we are responsible for arranging for the repairs to be carried out, the cost of the works is charged to either the service charge (for day-to-day repairs) or the sinking fund.
We have contracts agreed with a number of different companys who specialise in property repairs and maintenance. Employees from these companies will visit your home to fix your repair.
Sonny maintenance group (SMG) - for general building services and plumbing.
TSS Facilities Ltd. - for heating and water services.
Corin Dudley Electrical Services (CDS) - for electrical services.
Active Fire Management - for fire risk assessments.
Southern Alarm Systems Ltd - for fire alarms and safety equipment.
Southern County Lift Services - for lift maintenance and repairs.
Tunstall - for door entry and pull cord systems.
We categorise repairs based on their priority and have target response times as follows:
Priority 0: emergency response - within 4 hours
This is emergency out of ours or a risk to life or property. For example, complete loss of power or water, uncontrollable burst pipes or broken windows will be treated as serious health and safety hazards and will be attended to urgently. Our priority will be to secure your well-being and to prevent serious structural damage to your home. We may have to carry out a full repair at a later date. For example, if a window is smashed, we will board it up within four hours, but a replacement may take a few days.
Priority 1: 24 hours
A repair which requires urgent attention but there is no immediate risk to life or property. Partial loss of power, lighting and total loss of heating are examples of priority 1 repairs, which will be attended to within 24 hours by our contractors. Other priority 1 repairs include severely leaking roofs, no hot water and serious plumbing leaks.
Priority 2: 7 working days
A repair which requires attention within a reasonable period. You can expect electrical repairs, such as a fault to internal lighting, TV aerials or partial loss of heating to be attended to within a week. Other priority 2 repairs include failure of communal equipment, such as washing machines in the laundry room, and re-glazing cracks in your windows. Some works, such as roof repairs, may be affected by weather conditions. When this occurs we will firstly make sure that your property is safe, then carry out a full repair when possible.
Priority 3: 20 working days
A repair which is non urgent or is part of our planned maintenance. Repairs of internal doors and dripping taps will be attended to within approximately 20 days. Blown double-glazing, blocked gutters, noisy radiators and repairs to the appearance of your property will also be attended to as non-urgent priorities.
Priority 4: 60 working days
This prority is only used for planned maintenance. Lifts, fire alarms, emergency lighting, communal water systems and emergency call systems all have planned maintenance programmes and works will be carried out throughout the year.
We are committed to making sure that your home is well maintained and in a good state of repair.
We have a programme of planned (or cyclical) maintenance to replace or renew various parts of your home when they reach the end of their serviceable life.
Planned maintenance includes for example:
Replacing central heating systems
Replacing windows
Replacing kitchens and bathrooms
Renewing the roof coverings
Replacing electrical components
Replacing external doors.
Redecoration of internal & external communal areas
We will contact you before we carry out any work to make sure that we cause as little disruption as possible.
Involving residents in our planned works
We involve residents in our planned works programme and consult them about health and safety matters. Here are some examples of ways we involve residents:
We meet with residents before and after a tender process, to update them on our progress.
We share choices of colours and finishes, for example paint charts and swatches of carpets. Together residents choose the colour of their communal lounge and communal areas.
During a recent exterior decorating programme to update the facias, soffits and garage doors at a scheme, we listened to residents and obtained quotes for UVPC as well as wood. Residents decided on UVPC to mitigate future expenses.
We introduce residents to our contractors and arrange meetings to answer any questions residents may have.
We involve our scheme managers and residents, and we recently presented three quotes to residents for some external redecoration work and they asked us to get more quotes, so we did, to achieve the best value for money.
We listened to residents recommendations for a contractor to replace some windows and commissioned work with them.
We found that residents at one scheme wanted to have a clear out, so we enabled them to access a skip, which was already on site for our planned works.
We take part in site walk abouts to discuss ground maintenance and our contractors and listen to residents' views. In some cases, this has led to a change in contractors.
Paul Williams, Property Services Manager leads our planned works and said: “Engaging with residents is one of the most important parts of my job. I actively meet with residents to share our plans and listen to their preferences, so we can make their home safe and to their liking. We care about where our residents live and involving them in our decision making and communicating is an important part of our process.”
You will need our permission to make alterations to your home for everything other than redecoration of your walls and ceilings. Please contact us if you are considering any alterations, either contact your scheme manager or use the contact us form on the website.
If your alteration is agreed by us, you will need to use qualified and competent trades people to carry out the alteration.
Getting your feedback about our repairs service is important to us. There are a number of ways you can give feedback:
Understanding condensation
Most people’s homes will get condensation, a type of dampness, at some time — usually when a lot of moisture and steam is being produced. This can happen especially during cooking, bathing or during the colder winter months.
Condensation happens when damp air comes into contact with a cold surface and it condenses back to water.
Some condensation in any home is normal and unavoidable, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. If left untreated, however, condensation can lead to mould growth and cause damage to our homes and belongings.
Condensation and damp - what's the difference?
Condensation is caused by warm, moist air coming into contact with cold surfaces, such as windows and walls. High levels of condensation can lead to mildew and mould growth, especially in the winter. Penetrating damp, which is much less common, is caused by moisture entering the home from an external source, such as leaking plumbing or moisture from the ground.
How to reduce condensation
While damp is an issue that requires further investigation, there are some ways we can all reduce the impact of condensation in our homes:
Reduce moisture:
Treating mildew or mould in your home
You can clean and treat small areas of mildew or mould safely yourself. Use hot soapy water with detergent, or specialist cleaning solutions (available from most supermarkets). Wearing rubber gloves, put a rag or a disposable cloth in the solution and carefully wipe away the mould. Safely dispose of the cloth and use a dry cloth to remove any moisture from the area.
We want to help
We understand condensation, damp and mould can be concerning, so we take these issues seriously. If you are worried that there is a damp or mould issue in your property, please tell us about it by reporting the issue to the scheme manager so we can help.
Here is a handy information leaflet about reducing condensation in your home: Reducing condensation in your home leaflet [pdf] 4MB
We want to make sure our properties are in the best condition possible, so you feel comfortable in your home. How we invest in and plan major repairs such as replacement kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, roofs and heating systems is key to achieving this.
This means we need to understand the condition our properties are in now. Therefore we carry out “stock condition” surveys to determine when in the future works will be required. We use this information to build up programmes for the next three to five years and to make sure we plan our budgets properly over the next 30 years.
When major works are to be carried out we will (together with the contractor) explain and agree the following with you:
Finally we will check that the works have been carried out to a high standard and that you are happy with everything.
Here are some links to videos that give top tips to help keep your home in good repair.