Jobs and volunteering

Tagline brighter living

We are a not for profit Housing Association providing high quality, affordable housing, support and care services for older people in Sussex. We reinvest our profit back into the organisation so we can continiously improve our properties and brighten our residents' lives.

91% of our staff recommend us as a good place to work.

Work with us and let your brilliance shine. Our friendly team is ready to welcome you.

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Volunteering opportunities with Sussex Housing & CareĀ 

We love welcoming people to volunteer with us and recently Laura has spent a couple of days in our care homes in Haywards Heath and Battle to support our sunny moments club and activities with residents. 

Laura is currently on a three-week Easter break from University in Portsmouth and put her excellent organisational skills to good use. She spent two days sorting and arranging the storage and supplies we have for activities in our care homes and the impact has been incredible! 

Laura reflected on her time volunteering and said: “I’ve sorted through storage cupboards and boxes so each care home can easily access the variety of resources they have. I’ve labelled everything and it’s looking very organised. It’s been great to see the care home manager’s reaction, they gave a big “wow” when they saw what I had done and it made me feel good.  

“By volunteering to organise the storage areas, I’ve helped residents to easily access games, craft materials and things they enjoy doing. I’ve saved staff time to find activities, which means they can spend more time with residents and have also helped the not-for-profit care homes to save money by making better use of what they have. I feel like I’ve made a difference and it’s a really rewarding feeling!  

laura standing outside of a full cupboard   laura going through the cupboard organising everything  laura standing next to the tidy cupboard

Gaining skills and experience 

“During these couple of days it’s been a good opportunity to improve my communication skills. I’ve spent time with older people and also people living with dementia. I’ve had to think about the way I talk to people with different needs, speaking clearly and being patient.” 

Thinking of volunteering? 

Laura says: “If you’re thinking of volunteering then I’d say do it! Until you do it, you won’t fully understand what you get out of it. It will completely change your view on a lot of things. I felt a bit nervous at the start as it was new people and new places, but everyone was really nice and friendly. Coming out of it, I know I’ve made a difference and feel happy about what I've achieved. I’d definitely do it again” 

Opportunities for you 

We recognise the special impact volunteers have in brightening our residents’ lives and we have a variety of volunteering opportunities within Sussex Housing & Care. You can spend as much or as little time as you would like to, and as regularly as you wish. We welcome you to give time doing something you enjoy, this could include for example, sharing your hobby with residents, chatting, visiting the library, shopping, gardening, music or singing – whatever you fancy! As Laura shows, even a helping hand and organisational skills can be beneficial. You can give as little or as much time as you’re able to.   

Please visit our volunteering page to find out more and we welcome you to get in touch with our care homes to have an informal, friendly chat with our team about volunteering with us. 

Saxonwood care home, Battle

Oakwood Court care home, Haywards Heath

Woodlands care home, Crowborough

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